All About Floors

How to Fix Gaps in Your Hardwood Floors

Hardwood flooring remains a very popular choice among most homeowners due to its low cost of maintenance and a high organic component which tends to attract less dust. This is one of the major reasons why it’s the recommended choice of flooring by doctors all over the world.

However, one major issue which plagues Hardwood flooring is the formation of gaps in between the floors. Humidity plays a key role in the maintenance of hardwood flooring, and Gaps formation occurs in hardwood flooring due to the increase and decrease in humidity levels. They cause the wood to expand and compress, thus making the hardwood to lose moisture as the humidity/temperature levels increases and decreases.

There are several ways to maintain your hardwood floor and reduce the chances of gaps formation occurring on them. This can be achieved through the use of specific mechanisms or by applying the steps listed below;

Assess The GAPS

It is very important for you to take care of gaps which have become very visible on your hardwood as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Before doing that, you need to assess the size, number of gaps and the floors quality.

Most times, wide gaps on hardwood floors require extensive repairs, while those gaps that have just become visible should be fixed without further delay to prevent it from getting bigger.

Choose A Gap Repair Method

Gaps in repair can be carried out in several ways, depending on the extent of the damage. For simple repairs, you can easily fill in the gaps with wood fillers, while for complex gaps, a total replacement of the entire floor might be required if the floor has too many gaps on it.

Entire Floor Replacement

The best method of fixing gaps in your hardwood floor is to replace it entirely, especially if the gaps have grown too large and pronounced. Though this method might be quite expensive, it is a preferred option rather than attempting to repair a badly damaged hardwood floor which might end up becoming more expensive in the long run.