All About Floors

How To Bid On Commercial Flooring Projects

The cost and expenses for commercial flooring projects are relatively higher compared to residential ones. Being a commercial flooring installation expert, accurately estimating the cost of a commercial flooring project will help you with preparing a bid for such jobs.

Aside from being able to estimate the cost of a commercial flooring project, the ability to convince a business or consumer that your company has the necessary skills, technical know-how and qualifications needed to provide a commercial flooring installation service is just the first step in landing the job. Whether the service requires maintenance, installation, refinishing or cleaning the floors, a bid affords you the opportunity to make a favorable first impression. The way and manner which you present your bid helps to influence the bid seeker that your company is best suited for the job.

To help you get started, let’s check out some keys steps on how to bid on commercial flooring projects below;

Provide Every Necessary Detail

The first step involved in bidding for a commercial flooring project is to prepare a comprehensive bid with a full list of the specifications about the flooring project. This helps to show that you do understand the bid seeker’s needs for that particular commercial flooring service. If for instance, you prepare a bid to clean and polish floors in a business building, endeavor to clearly state the areas to be serviced and specify any special directions required by the bid seeker. Also, list the supplies which you plan to provide as part of the service like cleaning fluids or finishing products to enable the bid seeker to have an idea of your level of competency to handle the job properly.

Include Extra Information

A well-detailed bid package includes every information related to your company. For instance, include a brochure which explains your company’s profile and qualifications to handle this particular flooring project to make you unique from other competing commercial flooring installation companies. You can include before and after photos of similar projects handled by you as part of your bid. Other things which you can add include;

Furthermore, the last page of your bid should include a contract which shows the fees for the service, your terms of payment and the time frame needed to provide the service.

Add A Cover Page

Prepare your bid using a letterhead with your company’s name and logo clearly printed on it. This helps to give a professional first impression. The bid letter has to appear in front of the bid package. Draft a paragraph which briefly states the basic facts on what makes your company competent enough to handle the job.

Another important factor to consider when bidding for commercial flooring projects is to deliver your bid in person before the deadline date. This gives a strong impression of your being professional enough to adhere to deadlines.

At AllAboutFloors, our reputation as one of America’s leading commercial flooring installation companies with a track record of competence and professionalism, coupled with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us the go-to brand when it comes to commercial flooring services. Talk to us today for your commercial flooring needs, don’t delay.